Solstice Outdoors

Solstice Outdoors is the region's premier outdoor gear store located at the head of Chequamegon Bay in the Blue Wave building, literally feet from Lake Superior. Our private sandy beach is a great place to stop, dip your toes in the water, which is usually pretty warm (by Lake Superior standards), check out the shop, take a rental out on the water or trail and complete your day with a coffee, cocktail or a bite to eat at The Sandbar.

What’s with the name? Solstice represents the highest point of culmination and when the sun is in the northern most point; otherwise known as the Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice. It’s the high point of our day when we can get outside and play, get some air through our lungs and just experience the sounds of nature.

Owners Katie and Dave Gellatly, strive to provide exceptional customer service, be a catalyst in the community to connect customers to the outdoors and to one another through the shop and recreational opportunities in Chequamegon Bay.

Stop by the store for a visit. We'd love to meet you!