Join us for BOOK IT 2025! We're excited to sponsor this fun, free race for kids on Saturday, February 15th before the Book Across the Bay ski event.

Registration is required and will take place at the Solstice Outdoors table in the Book Across the Bay tent located at the Ashland Marina. Registration starts is 10am-11:15am. The races start at 11:30am. The race is free and each participant will receive a medal and a cookie. Questions please call Solstice Outdoors at 715.682.3590.

PENGUIN FUN RACE for children 8 and under starts at 11:30am

POLAR BEAR RACE for children 9 and up starts immediately after

Racers can be dropped off at the Book Across the Bay tent area and parking is located at Kreher Park

Winter Waterfall Adventure: 3 Trails to explore this winter

Winter is a great time to hike a new trail or old favorites. Hiking in the winter also means no bugs in northern Wisconsin.

Join our mid Winter Waterfall Adventure. Here’s how it works:

Here’s how it works:

Stop in the shop and get your FREE Solstice Outdoors sticker.

Take the sticker on your waterfall adventure and snap a selfie or any photo on the trail.

Tag us on Facebook and Instagram @solsticeoutdoors #winterwaterfalladventure

We'll enter you in a drawing to win a $100 Solstice Outdoors gift card.

Complete all three and stop in the shop to claim your FREE ultralight Solstice Outdoors nalgene.

TRAIL 1: Located in Copper Falls State Park is the Dough Boy trail which is a 1.7mile loop on a series of walkways and steps through the main portion of the park.

TRAIL 2: Also locatd in the Copper Falls State Park is 1 mile Waterfall Trail loop (purple loop) located on the north end. This is a great trail for hiking and snowshoeing when weather permits.

TRAIL 3: Morgan Falls located in the Chequamegon Nicolet National Forest. There’s a $5 day pass fee or stop in the shop and purchase an Annual Forest Pass which gives you admission into may local trails.

Trail tips. Bring a water bottle, dress in layers and bring a buddy. The trails can be slippery from time to time, stop in the shop to grab a pair of YakTrax just in case. Be sure to look around you never know what critters you might be able to spot.

1st Annual Clothing + Gear Swap

Are you ready to get rid of you extra outdoor clothing and gear that’s cluttering up your closet or garage? It’s time to do some spring cleaning and bring your used items to our 1st Annual Gear Swap on

Saturday, April 20th 9am-2pm. Food and drink special at The Sandbar

Here’s how it works: Bring your clothing and gear you want to sell in between 10am-6pm starting on Monday, April 15th through Friday, April 19th to complete the intake form and price your gear. When your item/s sell, select in-store credit for 100% of the sale price or we will cut you a check for 80% of the sale price.

Coming soon…Solstice Re-Play

Gently used clothing and gear from premium outdoor brands.


Join our spring 3 hike challenge that starts March 1st. Here’s how it works:

Take a hike and a photo. Share with us on Instagram or Facebook and tag us @solsticeoutdoors

Complete all 3 hikes by April 30th.

Stop in the shop for a Solstice T-shirt + hiking sticker. Plus enter to WIN the 3 Hike Challenge GRAND PRIZE.

Trail Name:  Lost Creek Falls

Location: Trail Dr, Cornucopia, WI, Located West off of County C.  27.4 miles North of Ashland  

Hike Distance: 3 Miles out and back

Tips:  Fairly easy hike with some rocks and switchbacks.  The falls are beautiful and you can take a break or have a snack on the rocks. Don’t forget to walk underneath the falls. This is a well marked trail and can be wet in the spring.

Photo: Take a photo at or underneath the falls


Trail Name:  Houghton Falls Nature Preserve 

Location:   From the intersection of Highway 13 and Washington Avenue in Washburn, go north on Highway 13 for 2.4 miles, then east on Houghton Falls Road for 0.5 miles to the trailhead and parking area south of the road. About a 15 minute drive from Ashland.

Hike Distance: 1.3 Miles out and back

Tips: Be sure to check out the Echo Dells on your journey to the lake.   

Photo: Take a picture near the lake.


Trail Name: St. Peters Dome

Location:  The site is approximately 15 miles south of Ashland with access from FR 199 (County Line Road)

Hike Distance:  3.6 Miles out and back

Tips: It's a rocky hike to the top so watch your step. Trail can also be muddy at times  and there is a total ascent of nearly 500 feet.  The view at the top is well worth it.  Take water and snacks to have on the rock.  In the spring you can spot many native wild flowers along the way.

Photo: Take your photo at the top of St. Peter’s Dome.

Book IT FUN Kids Ski Race 2024

The EVENT is CANCELLED for 2024 due to poor snow conditions on the ice.

This fun kids’ cross country ski race on Saturday morning before the Book Across the Bay ski event. Registration is required. Registration begins 10:00AM-11:15 at The Blue Wave building located at 2521 West Lake Shore Drive. Racers should be registered and ready to ski at 11:30am. The race will start promptly at 11:30a.m. Each participant will receive an award, hot chocolate and cookies!

This year there will be two Fun Races on Lake Superior in front of The Blue Wave:

PENGUIN Fun Race starts at 11:30AM for kids under 8 years of age

POLAR BEAR Race starts at 11:30AM for kids 8 and up

For more information, please call Katie at 715.682.3590

2022 Book It Fun Kids' Race is on!

Saturday, February 19th sponsored by Solstice Outdoors

This fun kids’ cross country ski race on Saturday morning before the 2022 Book Across the Bay event. Registration is required. Registration begins 9:00AM-10:45AM at The Blue Wave building located at 2521 West Lake Shore Drive

This year there will be three Fun Races on Lake Superior in front of The Blue Wave:

PENGUIN Fun Race starts at 11:00AM  for children under 8 years old

FOX Fun Race starts at 11:15AM for children 8 to 10 years old

Each participant in the Penguin and Fox races will receive an award, hot chocolate and cookies

POLAR BEAR Race starts at 11:30AM for children 11 to 14 years of age

Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place; cookies and hot chocolate

For more information, please call Katie at 715.682.3590

How to make a wreath

Tis’ the season for giving and I love to make and give a handmade evergreen wreath. When I was a kid growing up, one of my favorite things to do over Thanksgiving was to go out in the woods with my mom and grandma to cut boughs to make wreaths. We would head out over deer opener in Northern Wisconsin, so we would put something blaze orange on, grab our clippers and a garbage bag and head for the back forty. The process of the gathering boughs to make wreaths together, year after year with generations of women has even more meaning now that my grandmother is no longer with us.

This year I was able to share the joy and experience with my daughter, my mom and her grandma. This isn’t the first year my daughter has gone out to gather with us, but it is the first year that I truly feel that this tradition is now something she will remember and continue to pass on.  She was so excited to go snip, clip and explore the woods on a beautiful November day. This year she made her first wreath all on her own.

Gathering and making a wreath kicks off the start of the holiday season and gets me in the holiday spirit. I love creating something from nature. When I was my daughters age, I was taught to cut the boughs from the bottom of the trees where the snow usually piles up and weighs the trees down, come winter. Many of the lower branches bare the burden of the snow load so they could use a little pruning. Balsam does regenerate fairly quickly. However, it was instilled in me to cut sparingly from each tree and move from pine tree to pine tree. Sustainability was something my family valued and taught me, long before it became part of our everyday conversations. For my family, it was just the way we did and continue to do things.

Here’s what you’ll need to make an evergreen wreath:

  • Clippers or scissors

  • A metal clothes hanger

  • A paddle of floral wire

  • A large bag of evergreen boughs

  • A sheet or outdoor work space

  • A daughter, mother, grandmother, friend or everyone to share the experience with

Pro tip: It takes a lot more boughs to make a wreath than you think so always collect a few extra. Trust me. Everyone loves a fluffy wreath.

Bend the hanger to form a circle. The hanger has a built in hook so no fancy hanger needed

Start at the top of the hanger at the intersection of the hanger and the circle and wrap the floral wire several times around to start the wreath.

Bunch 4-6 boughs together, different lengths are just fine. Start by placing the bunch on the hanger frame and wrap 3-6 times tightly with the floral wire; continue to make bunches, overlapping them and wrapping until you end up back at the top of the hanger with the hook.

Before you place the last bunch of boughs, cut the floral wire off leaving at least a foot or more. Place the last bunch of boughs, wrap tightly, then turn the wreath over and weave the wire through and tie the wire off a few times. Make sure you connect it to the wire frame and the stem of the boughs.

Turn the wreath over and adjust the boughs a little, if need. Add a beautiful simple ribbon, bow or additional adornments. Now it’s ready for giving.

Now Hiring: Join our team on a great lake!

We are hiring experienced customer service oriented Sales Associates. This is a fun entry level position in the outdoor industry working with customers and running rentals. Must be an active outdoor oriented person with an interest in clothing and gear. If you love to camp, hike, bike, ski and enjoy the outdoors and people, you should apply.

Part-time position up to 35 hours a week in the summer season and includes weekends. Compensation is based on experience and skill set. Please email resume to katie at solsticeoutdoorstore.com or stop in for an application: 2521 W Lake Shore Drive Ashland, WI 54806

Cafe Staff/Barista at The Sandbar

Starting wage is $11-$12/hour plus tips. Prepare coffee, beverages and food. This is a great summer position for a college student. Part-time position and year round full time positions available. Stop in for an application or send resume to katie@solticeoutdoorstore.com

Solo Stoves: Tailgate Must Have


We are psyched to have SOLO STOVES now available in the shop and online for pick up or local delivery!

These are the coolest portable bonfire for staying warm and socially distance. It's our go to for the ski hill with the kiddos to stay warm, take in the camper or throw in the trunk to warm up after a hike in the parking lot. Yes, we've done it.

Dave and I LOVE when we can test out new products, fall in LOVE with them and share awesome new brands and products we enjoy using ourselves with you. The SOLO STOVES are no exception.

Finding New Adventures Close to Home

Like many of us, my 2020 was filled with travel plans, and most of them were cancelled. After a while, it became very challenging to feel excited about living in the Bay, despite the gorgeous views and plethora of recreation opportunities. I missed the open road, the thrill of the unfamiliar, and the excitement of seeing what would be around the next corner. On the road back from Bayfield in early December, I passed a sign I’ve seen a hundred times before and always sped by, but this day I pulled a u-turn in the road and drove back, to the Salmo Lake Walk Trail. This humble trailhead and small parking lot are right across the street from the Les Voigt Fish Hatchery (the location of the next trails I plan to stop at). The Salmo Lake Walk Trail is a short, well maintained trail through a marsh and winds around to end at a small beach on the Lake. I especially enjoyed the sturdy metal bridges and the vantage points they provided. The ice formations along the creek and shoreline were diverse and beautiful. It was quiet, and very still. The strangely mild early December sun warmed me through my big puffy coat, and sitting on the faded logs by the shore, watching birds swim and dive in Pike’s Bay, I reconnected with this beautiful area. This, for me, is the beauty of the open road, the joy of travel--that it’s possible to stop randomly on the side of the road and connect with a beautiful place. And it’s been hard to feel that this spontaneity is possible when traveling isn’t the safest activity to do at the moment. For 2021, I’m resolving to look off the beaten path in the Bay area for more of the small and subtle hikes that I’ve overlooked and driven by in the past. I know they’re out there, and I look forward to seeing new but familiar places within a 25 mile radius. Recommendations for other low-key or overlooked trails in the area? Please let me know in the comments! 

The setting sun over the marsh.

The setting sun over the marsh.

December golden hour.

December golden hour.

A sweet view of Pikes Bay Marina.

A sweet view of Pikes Bay Marina.

by Social Media Coordinator, Tara Padovan

Love Winter Giveaway

Love Winter Giveaway

It’s time to get cozy and embrace the chill, and what better way to do this than winning a free night at the Blue Wave Inn? Now through February, we’re running a contest where one lucky winner will win a stay and play package for two, a night at the Blue Wave Inn and a $50 gift card for Solstice Outdoors. 

The Prize: 

A free one night stay and play package at the fabulous Blue Wave Inn and a $50 gift card for Solstice Outdoors. Some restrictions apply based on availability.

How to enter: 

Make a purchase from Solstice Outdoors (online or in-store) starting 1/15 @12pm CST until 2/13 @ 12pm CST. Fill out a form at the register or we will do it for you if you order online.

Step two: Show us how you Love Winter! #lovewinter Go on an adventure, take a picture and post + tag us in the photo on Instagram or Facebook.

Not on social media? Send a photo to reservations@solsticeoutdoorstore.com. (No additional entries given for multiple photos, but feel free to send them anyway; we love to see how our merchandise is used!) Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for additional entries.

Winner will be announced on Feb 14, 2021


  1. Any purchase (online or at the outdoor store) will count. No minimum dollar amount. Solstice on Main, the Blue Wave, and the Sandbar do not count. 

  1. Must be 18 or older.

  2. One entry per person but can have multiple entries per household (spouses, young adults, extended family, etc).

  3. By submitting a photo to Solstice Outdoors, you’re consenting to our sharing and usage of this photo for promotional purposes on our social media and website. We may choose to share/repost/utilize your image for our media purposes, including but not limited to: Instagram, Facebook, solsticeoutdoorstore.com or for other marketing purposes. Credit will be given. 

  4. Winner announced on Valentine’s Day (2/14/2021, after 12pm CST) by a random number generator.

  5. Stay must be redeemed within the next 12 months. Some exclusions may apply. Based on availability. 

  6. Preferred public posting with a tag but may be messaged privately on Facebook, or sent on Instagram if Solstice is not specifically tagged in them. Pictures may also be emailed to reservations@solsticeoutdoorstore.com

  7. One picture minimum for entry, no extra entries given for more photos submitted. Giveaway not associated or affiliated with Instagram or Facebook. 

  8. Winner will be announced on social media on February 14th, 2020 and contacted by email. 

  9. 2 Person Stay and Play package. Subject to seasonal availability. Some restrictions may apply. 

Bonus Entry: 

1 extra entry if you follow us on instagram (if not following already, point given automatically if so)

1 extra entry if you like us on facebook (if not liked already, point given automatically if so)

love winter giveaway.png

How to Build a Fire

While we might not as often find ourselves unprepared and facing hypothermia on the Yukon Trail, as does the Man in Jack London’s classic tale, To Build a Fire, we still want to be able to stay warm, dry, and well-lit. Northern Wisconsinites know the value of warmth and heat in the winter. Here’s some tips from our friends at UCO Gear.


For many of us, firemaking—whether inside or out—comes very naturally. Others may find themselves struggling, and if this is you, we have all the information you need, and the equipment that will aid the process. Our friends at Seattle-based outdoors brand Uco Gear have complied a helpful guide with all the information you’ll need to know about the science of fire, the types of wood you’ll want, and the best firestarters. These (naturally) include Uco’s Titan Fire Striker, and Titan Stormproof Match Kit. Shop our favorite firebuilding items.

Read the full UCO post.

10 Stocking Stuffers Under $30

The holidays are right around the corner, and gifts are on everyone's mind. Feeling stressed or need ideas? Keep scrolling to see our staff's top 10 picks for affordable and exciting gifts that'll look great in a stocking or under the tree this year. All of these gifts (and more!) can be found on online

1. Biolite SiteLight Mini, $19.95

Take twinkly lights from the home to the campsite with these sturdy and rechargeable string camp lights.


2. Lake Superior Enamel Camp Mug, $11.99

The must-have cup for any outside adventure, the lovely image of Lake Superior will remind you you're never far from home.

3. Puffin Sleeping Bag Drink Coozie, $15.95

Made in Oregon, this fun coozie will keep your drinks cold and your hands warm. Comes a carabiner and bottle opener so you'll never be left high and dry.


4. Lake Superior 32oz. Nalgene, $12.99

Everyone needs to drink water, and do it in style with a made-in-the-USA fan-favorite Nalgene.

5. Darn Tough 1959 1/4th Hiker, $18

1/4 length socks are perfect for wearing around town under high-tops or ankle boots when you don't need the higher length of a traditional hiker.

6. Lucky Feather Wisconsin Charm Necklace, $18

Home is where the heart is, and WI can be close to your heart with this classic, 14 karat gold dipped necklace.


7. Yeti Rambler Lowball 10oz., $25.99

Dishwasher safe, will keep drinks hot or cold all day, a thoughtful gift that will last a lifetime.

8. Tree Flask, $29

6oz. flask with a handmade wood covering showing a tree. Perfect for the lumberjack in your life.

9. Lake Superior Ceramic Mug, $24.99

Let your love for the Lake bring some excitement to your morning coffee or tea with beautiful ceramic mugs.


10. Opinel No. 8 Colorama Knife, $18

Everyone needs a pocket knife, and a durable yet lightweight Opinel is a must-have for a bag, pocket, or backpack.

How To Clean Chaco Sandals

How to clean Chaco sandals for winter storage. Winter is well on the way, and it’s time to switch out summer sandals for big boots. Before you chuck your Chaco’s away for the season, take a few minutes to clean them out! They’ll store better, smell better, and last longer if you take good care of them. To clean dirt and sweat off of the footpad, submerge in warm water to get them wet, take out, and pour on some baking soda. Rub it in and let sit for about 20 minutes before brushing off. A great utensil to use is an old toothbrush to get in all the grooves, or an old rag to get some good friction. Wash off and enjoy smell-free and shiny foot beds. You can also use a specific Sandal Wash products like we stock at such as NixWax sandal wash to clean footbeds and straps.

How to clean Chaco sandals

How to clean Chaco sandals

Next, it’s time to clean the straps. Submerge in warm water and let sit for 20 or more minutes, then begin gently pulling the straps back and forth, starting with the toe and working down the body of the shoe. The cool thing about Chacos is that all the straps are connected, but that also means that it’s easy for dirt and grit to get built up inside the shoe. Keep pulling the straps back and forth until no more dirt is appearing, and the straps move easily within the shoe. Then, rinse again in clean water to make sure that all dirt and grit is off, dry in a warm place for 24 hours, and your shoes will be good to go for the winter! 

Great Gig on a Great Lake


The Sandbar is hiring an energetic customer focused people person. Team members take orders, prepare orders including food, beverages, liquor and specialty coffee drinks. Barista and/or bartending experience a plus. Must be willing to work independently and as a small team while managing multiple tasks. Successful team members are self-motivated and take direction as needed. Hourly rate based on experience plus tips. Stop in for an application or resume to katie @ solsticeoutdoorstore.com

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Lead our Team!

We’re hiring a Full-Time Assistant Store Manager


Great management opportunity in the outdoor industry. Help lead a team of like minded individuals at a locally owned outdoor specialty store. Solstice Outdoors is located in a multipurpose building that has become a destination on the shore of Lake Superior which includes The Blue Wave Inn and The Sandbar cafe. Position is responsible for inventory management, staff training and management, rental program, outreach and overall guest experience. Previous retail and management experience preferable in the outdoor industry. Position requires evening and weekends. Compensation based on experience. To apply please send resume to katie@solsticeoutdoorstore.com