Goodbye Ground...Hello Comfort


Sleep in luxury with the new Therm A Rest LuxuryLite Cot. Finally a cot that is lightweight, packable, easy to set up and the all around best investment in outdoor gear this year! Nothing beats a quality made in the USA product.

Since we tested out the LuxuryLite Mesh Cot and Ultralight Cot at the  Outdoor Retailer Show we were hooked on the super comfy design and easy three minute set up. Check out how easy it is to set up...

The LuxuryLite Mesh Cot and Ultralight Cot is great for backcountry adventures, including hunting trips, overnight trips from car camping to paddling trips.

Gear up for the weekend

It’s time to gear up for the weekend…and the official start of summer. Here are a few of our favorites that you’ll find at Solstice Outdoors for a day in the park, a day on the water or a weekend camping trip with friends and family.

GSI cookware and kitchen sets

Swedish Fire Steel no matches requiredGrandpa's Firefork, the coolest marshmallow stick ever!

Bugaboo Waffle Iron

Camp fuel and bottles

Whisperlite Universal stove and other MSR stoves

Therm-A-Rest sleeping pads

Seal Line dry bags


Stop by our store on Main Street downtown Ashland to check out our camping and paddling gear for your next adventure!

Ride the trails...Memorial Day Weekend

Looking for something fun to do Memorial Day weekend? Check out the CAMBA 4th Annual Festival of the Trails Event.  A fun weekend event for mountain biking abilities to ride the trails in the Cable Hayward area, taste, learn, and play!

Salomon XR Mission Rated Best Trail Running Shoe

Top Rated Kicks at Solstice...SHAPE Magazine recently rated the Salomon XR Mission  ($110) the best trail running shoe. Salomon known for superior door-to-trail running shoes kicked up the women’s specific design with a hard shell toe, grippy sole and great styling.