We’re gearing up for a busy 2020. Join our dedicated, small team of customer service focused staff. If you love talking to people, enjoy sharing your knowledge of outdoor clothing and gear this is the job for you. Sales Associate positions are 20-30 hours a week, year round. We’re hiring multi-taskers who thrive in a fun work environment, work well independently and as a team. Position includes outfitting customers with seasonal rental gear and guest services for our hotel and lodging and cafe. We’d love to talk with you. To apply email resume to katie@solsticeoutdoorstore.com or apply in person. 2521 W Lake Shore Drive Ashland, WI 54806
Join our team!
We are hiring two awesome Sales Associates! Come work with fun people, amazing customers. We've got shops with the best views in town!
Solstice Outdoors and our sister store, Solstice have positions open for 20-35 hours a week. If you have a passion for fashion then Solstice on Main Street would be a great fit. If you have a passion for the outdoors and gear then join our team!
Everyone one of our employees is a key part of our businesses. If you are hardworking, love talking with people, can provide exceptional customer service, then we think you're pretty awesome! Send us your resume or stop in to either location.